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Chief Financial Officer / Finance Director Service


Running a growing business, you'll be looking to optimise cash flow, maximise profitability, accelerate growth and plan your exit strategy. We act as your business partner to develop a game plan to tackle the strategic, financial and business challenges you face and exploit your market opportunities.


We offer a fractional CFO service at a fraction of the cost of hiring a full time experienced CFO or FD to help ensure the path you are on is the quickest and most effective. We'll ensure you have the information you require on a weekly, monthly and annual basis to meet statutory and legal requirements and more importantly to help you make informed business decisions. Working with, mentoring and supporting your existing finance team where one exists. 


We can also play a more formal role, attending or even running Board meetings, ensuring a focus on the end game for you and your key stakeholders and that key business decisions are aligned with the stated strategy. 


Services include: 


  • Production of integrated P&L, balance sheet and cash flow forecasts 

  • Determination of valuation for internal use

  • Preparation of packages for investors / lenders / buyers including business plans and pitch decks

  • Assistance with sourcing bank loans or leasing programmes

  • Identification of equity for expansion or to provide liquidity for shareholders

  • Development of tactical and strategic plans and drafting of business plans

  • Development of acquisition strategy and identification of acquisition targets

  • Due diligence and deal negotiation

  • Preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual financial statements

  • Analysis and explanation of financial statement trends and variance to budget / forecast / prior periods

  • Creation and presentation of customised reporting packages highlighting key performance indicators 

  • Management and recruitment of junior accounting and finance teams

  • Selection and implementation of accounting software

  • Guidance on establishing and/or assessing banking relationships


Contact us today to arrange your free initial consultation.




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